Who cares if it rains more? Who cares if it gets hotter or colder? Who cares if the sea rises by a metre? Some areas will get hotter and some will get colder, some will be wetter and some will be drier. There will be more of some foods and less of others. The earth already has really hot places and really wet places. So if things change, it's still the same game, just a different map. Oh no, what about those poor islanders who'll loose their paradise homes? Let's help them... oh hang on. What about those poor homeless hundreds of thousands/millions across the western world ignored by their governments/rich people in Prius's? We're happy for them to be displaced and living in shit....and you can absolutely blame us for that!
But that's not a climate change problem. No bastard is out there with a bumper sticker whining about that....too hard?...no...just don't have time to manage a stock portfolio, climate change community focus group evenings and homeless people all at once...and more importantly, no votes in homeless people kicked out of their homes by bankers and wankers!
Anyway, the climate's gunna change....big news. Seas rise and some nice coastal properties are going to depreciate a tad. Tough for those in Lorne and Malibu. Big effing deal.
Noah didn't run around with dorky rainbow stickers on his donkey cart, he just got on with the job. If the neighbourhood turned crappy, he moved. Y'all need to do what Chopper says and that's to "harden the fuck up".
Nothing stays the same...ever. That's why we are still here....we adapt. Organisms that don't adapt, disappear. Self righteous trendy wankers preaching at me from the comfy seats of their enormous carbon footprint Prius should be the first into the soylent green hopper. Tell me you only buy local produce and walk everywhere and have no air-con. And stop telling me about the great bargains you get buying stuff from overseas online, like a climate-friendly solar torch that had to be flown at the expense of god knows how many thousands of litres of av gas from China. Well thanks for saving the planet by putting in a couple of solar panels and water tanks and separating your rubbish so that it can ride in separate trucks on a journey to the tip where it will all be reunited in the same pile.
If you really want to help, become involved with the mission to alleviate the hardship of the remainder of the Haitian population that is 200,000 people down on what it was this time last year instead of crying how the world is coming to an end because 20 houses were lost in Tully.
Your stupid minds stop at the Sixty Minutes door of what disaster we'll feel bad about this week until something bright and shiny attracts your attention for the next few days, like yet another “legend” sportsman publishing a cocaine and sex diet cookbook.
The big ticket items fall off the radar and you go back to worrying about a few plastic fucking garbage bags choking a few seals. You're like an autistic retard, sitting there in your own world flapping your hands in front of your faces until a loud noise distracts you for a few seconds. You react, maybe make a noise, then go back to flapping your hands. If you ever managed to stay with the big picture and not complain about nothing-stuff, like noisy leaf blowers and some polar bears that have to swim a bit further than they used to, then I'd listen to you. But you wont. You'll tell me to turn off my computer when I'm not using it and you'll tell me to plant a native fucking garden and you'll tell me not flush my piss out of the toilet until I have a crap the next day. Well thanks. I now know how to save a six billion year old celestial body formed and governed by forces incomprehensible.
You know who I admire? The ferals! They are the only ones who put their “money” where their cold-sore encrusted mouths are. Until I see that level of dedication to a belief from the suburban climate-Nazis, and I mean something more than the usual token gestures of bumper stickers, and pious lectures emanating from stale urine smelling homes , I'm not going to run with any of you Chicken Little nut jobs.
I'm going to drive my Suburban till it runs out of gas then I'll walk. Then my children can walk. People used to do that...